Rabu, 24 November 2010

Plus Minus melahirkan secara Caesar

Melahirkan anaknya melalui operasi caesar makin digemari ibu hamil karena dianggap tidak sakit dan risikonya lebih sedikit dibandingkan melahirkan secara normal. Apa saja keuntungan dan risiko dari operasi caesar ini?

Operasi caesar biasanya dilakukan jika ada gangguan pada bayi seperti terlilit tali pusat, posisi bayi sungsang, bayi keracunan air ketuban atau kondisi lainnya. Tapi bisa juga karena kondisi ibunya seperti memiliki pinggul kecil atau sebelumnya memang melahirkan secara caesar.

Berikut ini adalah keuntungan dan risiko yang mungkin saja dihadapi oleh ibu yang melahirkan secara caesar :

Keuntungan Operasi caesar akan memberikan keuntungan kepada ibu yang melahirkan seperti menghindari rasa sakit yang dialami oleh ibu yang melahirkan secara normal. Selain itu ibu bisa memilih tanggal untuk melahirkan bayinya. Biasanya ada beberapa ibu yang memilih caesar agar bisa melahirkan bayinya pada tanggal-tanggal tertentu yang dianggap bisa membawa hoki.

Keuntungan lainnya adalah bisa menyelamatkan nyawa bayi dan ibunya jika kondisi salah satunya bermasalah, seperti apabila bayi mengalami kekurangan pasokan oksigen dan makanan dari plasenta. Apabila tidak dilakukan caesar bisa mengakibatkan kematian pada bayi tersebut.

Risiko Operasi caesar yang dilakukan berisiko terhadap bayi dan ibunya. Risiko terhadap bayi adalah melahirkan prematur dan memiliki sindrom gangguan pernafasan. Gangguan pernafasan ini berhubungan dengan beberapa komplikasi, yang kemungkinan memerlukan perawatan intensif bagi bayi tersebut. Selain itu, berisiko bayi mengalami cedera saat dilakukan pembedahan.

Sedangkan risiko yang mungkin dihadapi oleh sang ibu adalah komplikasi anestesi, biasanya bius lokal yang dilakukan membuat perasaan sedikit tidak nyaman dan pada beberapa kasus menimbulkan reaksi alergi. Infeksi pada organ sekitar rahim atau tulang panggul. Berisiko kehilangan darah lebih banyak dibandingkan dengan cara normal.

Risiko lain adalah penurunan fungsi usus yang kadang jadi melambat selama beberapa hari setelah operasi, kembung dan rasa tidak nyaman. Risiko akibat operasi itu sendiri, membutuhkan waktu yang lebih lama berada di rumah sakit dan masa penyembuhan setelah operasi tersebut serta angka kematian ibu dua sampai empat kali lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan ibu yang melahirkan secara normal.

Operasi caesar sebaiknya dipilih jika memang ada gangguan pada ibu atau bayinya, yang bisa berakibat fatal apabila dilakukan secara normal. Tapi jika semuanya berjalan lancar disarankan untuk melahirkan secaranormal.

Sabtu, 20 November 2010

20 wanita tercantik di dunia

langsung aja neh gan, cekidooooot penampakannya





















Minggu, 14 November 2010

How To Get Stains Out Of Your Clothes

No matter how careful we are, what could have been avoided sometimes just happens. We get food spilled on our clothes while cooking or eating, our men soak their shirts with sweat when they go to the gym, our kids get too rowdy and play in the dirt even if they are told to stay clean, and guests can leave marks on the pristine upholstery of the living room furniture. Yes, stains happen even when we least expect it.
Taking stains out of clothes and household fabrics can be tricky and time-consuming, not to mention test our patience. But nonetheless, there are ways of doing it effectively, without damaging our fabrics. Here are ways how:
    1. Remove stains while they are still fresh. It becomes tougher to clean stains when they have already dried or set into the fabric. Wash them immediately, and if the clothes require dry cleaning, take them to the cleaners as soon as possible.
    2. There are clothes and fabrics that come with special instructions as to how they are to be washed and how the stains should be removed from them. If your stained clothes have special instructions like these, it would be best to follow these instructions to the letter.
    3. Before applying your stain remover to the stain itself, test how it works in an inner seam or on a part of your garment that is not easily visible. In this way, you would be able to see how your clothes would react to the chemicals of the stain remover, whether or not it would change the color of the fabric.
    4. Treat the stain from the back of the cloth. If it is treated from the outer side, where the stain actually is, rather than from the inner side, the stain might pass through the other side of the garment.
    5. If you are using dry-cleaning solvents on your fabric, take care to rinse the solvents off completely before throwing the fabric into the washing machine. Or better yet, wash that fabric manually and air-dry it. Dry-cleaning solvents contain chemicals that may prove to be fire hazards when put in a washing machine.
    6. Be careful in using bleach. Using bleach on just the stained spot may result in an uneven appearance in the color of the stained garment.
    7. Different stain removal products have different components in them. So, just stick to one product in cleaning the stains off a particular garment, or else it will only end up ruining the fabric. And whatever product you have used, remember to wash it off thoroughly, so the product�s residue will not be a stain itself.
    The most important thing to remember in cleaning out stains is that you should be patient when doing it. It can get frustrating, especially if the stain is too hard to take off, but that is just that. Sometimes, a stain can only be removed after repeating the process several times. There will also be a time when a stain will not come off no matter how hard you try. In that case, just accept the fact that your favorite dress or shirt is now ruined. Worry not; at least you tried.

Proper Spa Etiquette

Ah, the spa. A small slice of heaven on earth. A place to unwind, to de-stress and to relax, a place where one can shed off her worries away. A place where you can entrust yourself to gentle, caring hands and feel yourself healed, renewed and made beautiful again. Going to the spa is the perfect treat you could give yourself after a week�s worth of hard work. Heavenly spa!
But as much as going to the spa does wonders to our physical and emotional well-being, we have to bear in mind that we are not the only ones who go to the spa to shake away the aches, the stress and the worries. There are others who need the same benefits that a spa gives, and thus, you should show consideration for these others with you.
What are the no-nos that you should avoid committing when you are at the spa?
    1. Always arrive early for your appointment. If your appointment is for, say 3:00 PM, you should show up at least 20 minutes earlier so you can change and relax. Come earlier if you feel you could use the steam bath or sauna.
    2. Stop talking about your problems with your life at the spa. You are there to relax and to forget about them for a while. Talking about what concerns you are facing will not help you do that; instead, you will just stress yourself out.
    3. If you have to go and work out before going to the spa, do not go there all soaked with sweat. Show some respect for the therapist who will work on your body.
    4. Wash the chlorine off immediately after emerging from the Jacuzzi. Prolonged exposure to chlorine is bad for the skin.
    5. The spa is a place to relax. Therefore, turn your cellphone off when you are in it. The cellphone is a stress object and talking to someone through it will only disturb the other customers.
    6. The therapists and the staff of the spa are not your servants, so you shouldn�t order them about. If you want them to do a good job, treat them with respect and courtesy.
    7. Healing takes time. One massage will not cure all the aches and pains in your body, so don�t complain if you still feel some pain after your session. Instead, book your next appointment and make sure that you show up for it.
    8. Take your time and do not be in too much of a hurry to get back to your life after your treatment. You must take time off and rest to get the most out of it. You can�t heal if you won�t rest.
    9. Be generous and don�t forget to tip your therapist.
    10. Avoid having a big and heavy meal after your massage. Rest and take it easy, and drink lots of water.
The whole point of going to the spa is to give your body the rest that it needs. But as the spa is the kind of place to just do that, you should also do your share and give others the chance to enjoy it.

First Impressions

So ladies, we all know the saying �First impressions last.� We meet these words as a catch phrase on some commercial on TV or the radio, or in some book or magazine that we happen to read. We hear our mothers and our girl friends alternately nag and advise us about making a good first impression. It is an idea that is deeply ingrained in most of us.
We are headed for a job interview, a first client call, a blind date, a dinner with potential in-laws, or whatever important meeting which would have us making new acquaintances. We are dressed to the nines, with our faces perfectly made up and not a hair out of place, and we smell great. Is that enough to make a good and lasting first impression?
Sadly, the answer to that is no. We may look great, just smashingly gorgeous, and that is just fine. But we may ruin what picture we have painted for ourselves at that first glance taken of us with our first move or the first word we utter. How then do we solve this dilemma and create an impression that truly lasts beyond first glance?
The first thing to do would be to make eye contact with the person you are meeting and maintain it for more than a second. And then you smile. Prolonged eye contact and a smile make for a good ice breaker and set the atmosphere for something friendly and pleasant.
If something bad happened to you before the meeting and it brought you to a foul mood, don�t show it to the person you are meeting up with. Making a dour face and whining a lot at that first meeting would lead the other person to think that you are not at all nice to be with, so fake a good mood. Soon enough, you would not have to fake it, and you will start believing that you are feeling great all along.
If you are feeling nervous about this meeting, try to hide it by controlling your twitching, fidgeting, jittering, or whatever habit you may have that conveys anxiety. If you feel that you are not making good conversation, you can still redeem yourself by keeping the other person talking about himself. Also, try to talk more slowly. Nervous people have this tendency to talk too fast and to talk too much about themselves. Try to curb that and just let the other person speak.
Once the two of you get warmed up, just encourage him to talk more about himself. Do not be a narcissist by turning the conversation back to your own self. Respond genuinely to him and keep your gestures in sync to what he is saying, or else it would seem to him that you are bored and are not actually listening to what he is telling you. Flatter him with sincerity but do not overdo it.
First impressions truly last, whether it is for good or for bad. Make every impression you make good and lasting.

Back to School Beauty Guide

BlushFinding a few moments to ourselves proves quite the daunting task anymore. With places to go, people to see, presentations to make and happy hours to enjoy, getting dolled up sometimes becomes more of a hassle than it�s worth�or so it seems.
Make the first semester of school a memorable one! Have fun as you reinvent your style with your own sense of back to school fashion and beauty. From new shoes and purses to the hottest shades in lipstick and eye shadow, fall�s own gorgeous colors can be accented and accentuated in your own fab choices of what to wear.
Soft, smooth skin�
Keep your skin feeling great and protect it from the turning of the seasons. As colder months roll in, whipped body creams provide the ultimate pampering in maintaining soft, supple skin. Pack a bottle of your favorite lotion, body cream, or moisturizer in your purse or backpack, and stash a few in your dorm or locker so you are always prepared to fend off dry, cracked skin.
The perfect pout�
This season, the greatest emphasis is on the lips. Bold, wine stain hues call out autumn�s hottest shades. Choose colors that complement your skin tone and hair color, whether burgundy, brick, scarlet, or plum, to name a few. Invite a passionate kiss with pretty shades of your favorite lipstick and tinted gloss!
Flirty fingertips�
Short square or short oval nails, bedecked in dark, bold shades are all the rage this season. If you can�t do dark, don�t force it. Go with your traditional favorites, or try a French manicure for an elegant look that goes with any wardrobe selection.
The eyes have it�
Cool tones for eyes in blue, gray, and silver give girls the hottest looks this season. Add your own special touch by blending hues and textures with your favorite makeup, and don�t be afraid to introduce a little bit of eyeliner. In fact, white eye pencil is IN right now. Just page through a copy of your favorite magazine or check out photos of the stars online to see how a little white liner can go a long way!
To draw attention to your eyes without taking too much away from your lips, play up the eyelashes. Consider applying fake eyelashes for special occasions, and use lengthening or thickening mascara for your daily beauty needs, depending on the length and thickness of your own lashes.
Get a little cheeky�
No matter what your age, a little pink or reddish tint to cheeks can go a long way. A gentle dusting of blush can freshen up a stale look in seconds. Matte skin is the trend of the season.
    The autumn emphasis on lips leaves a great excuse for sexy, subtle eyes. Make a point to keep your skin smooth, soft, and smelling great with frequent application of soothing body creams. Soft, lightly smoky eyes and dark fingertips can accent the fall beauty trends, while subtle blush upon cheeks can brighten up any appearance.
    Remember that trends are only trends. Don�t feel obligated to try a style simply because it is popular for the season. Sometimes the fun of a beauty trend is actually making up your own!


SmileIt is inevitable. There are just some times, in the course of an entire day, that something will pop up to get us down. It could be anything, any thing at all. It could be that your car would not start, you discovered bits of your lunch sticking in between your teeth right after a very important client presentation, or you found a long and nasty run along your stockings in the middle of a dinner date. It could be a reprimand from your boss, a missed deadline, a lost business opportunity. Whatever it is, there is always something that is guaranteed to get a frown forming on our faces.
But instead of pitching a hissy fit, or sulking in a corner � or worse, reaching out for some comfort food, and thus ruining your diet � there is actually one thing you can do to make you feel better, and that is to smile.
This does seem a little ironic, doesn�t it? After all, how can you smile after something bad happened to you? It seems an unnatural way to react, to smile after an awful event, and people around you might get to thinking that you lost your marbles.
But you see, smiling is the best way you can relieve yourself of negative emotions, of anxiety, anger and nervousness. A smile is programmed to exercise the facial muscles, making the face glow and become more firm and supple. A smile also coaxes the brain to produce endorphins, which are hormones designed to reduce physical and emotional pain and to bring a general feeling of well-being to the body.
If you don�t feel like smiling, just look around you; you will always find something to look at, or something to do, that can make you smile. Here are a few:
  • Go for a leisurely walk. A leisurely walk allows you to get a breath of fresh air and exercises your body. The exercise that you get from a walk can be invigorating, and the energy you get from it helps you relax and relieve anxiety.
  • Keep pets. If you have the time and can afford one, keep a pet, either a dog or a cat. Pets are good companions, and taking care of them allows you to form an emotional bond with them, which lets you express your pent-up feelings. Like, when you need a hug, you can always hug your dog.
  • Take the time to appreciate things. Sometimes, being in a rush not only leaves you stressed out but also makes you forget to look at the simpler but finer things in life. Take a brief pause from work, get some coffee and stare out at the sky from your window. If you have a day off, savor it. Linger in bed and catch up on some sleep, read a pocketbook or give yourself a foot spa. Maybe you can go out and watch a movie or have brunch with your friends.
  • Discover new skills. There is nothing like a great achievement to bring a smile on one�s face. And what else can bring this sense of victory other than excelling on something, especially on a skill that you have just learned? Get yourself a hobby and learn new things. Perhaps you can take on painting, photography or sketching. Maybe you can try your hand on needlework, knitting or crocheting. Your finished work will definitely make you smile.
  • Pay someone a compliment. If you are feeling low, you can uplift yourself by uplifting others. Smiling is contagious and seeing other people smile can get you smiling too. A compliment does not have to be flowery. Something as simple as �You look nice� will do, as long as it is done with sincerity.
Another thing we ladies have to remember about smiling is that when we smile even though something untoward has happened to us, it shows us to be poised and self-contained. A poised and confident woman is always an admirable one.

Simple Ways to Retain a Youthful Look

We women, in one way or another, wish to look young all our lives. Whether you pin the blame on our upbringing, the media or our youth-oriented society, the thing is that we do indeed desire to retain our youthful looks for as long as we can. That is why cosmetic surgery and the cosmetic industry in general are making loads of money. Many women � and even men � are willing to spend a tremendous amount just to keep their faces and bodies looking young.
But did you know that retaining a youthful look is quite simple and that you do not have to break the bank just to achieve it? It is just as easy as taking care of your self and deciding for yourself to make a few changes in your habits and lifestyle.
Taking care of your self from the outside.
The one part of the body that easily reveals our age is our skin. Having dry, stretched skin with wrinkles, fine lines and spots makes a person look old. One way of keeping our skin looking young is to make a habit of moisturizing the skin at least twice a day � once in the morning and once at night, before you go to bed. Keeping the skin moisturized makes our skin feel soft and smooth and plumps up the fine lines. The act of rubbing the skin with the moisturizer also helps improve blood circulation to the skin.
There are specifically formulated moisturizing products targeted to suit the different areas of our skin. A face cream is for the face and the face alone. It should not be used for the hands or the body. A hand and body lotion is for the hands and the body only; they should not be used for the face. There are different products designed particularly for the neck, the foot, and the eyelids. This may seem tedious, but different areas of the skin have different moisture requirements. Use these products to �feed� your skin with moisture. Remember as well that oily skin needs oil-free products, while dry skin needs extra moisture.
Also, try to keep out of the sun as much as you can. The sun�s ultraviolet rays harm the skin; not only does constant exposure induce the appearance of wrinkles on the skin, but it also causes ailments such as skin cancer. If you have to go out, make sure you are protected. Use a hat and sunglasses. Your skin products should also have SPF.
Makeup also helps. Dab a concealer over the pimples, the dark circles under the eyes, and whatever skin blemishes that you have. After that, apply a light foundation, then a touch of the bronzer and a little lipstick. Take care not to put on too much makeup; too much makeup makes us look older instead of younger.
Don�t forget your hair. All the effort that goes into taking care of the skin will all be wasted if the hair is not given enough attention as well. Keep your roots touched up if you have dyed hair. You may also want to frame your face with highlighted locks to add light to your face. Keep your hair clean, soft and well-groomed.
Taking care of your from the inside.
What is inside is reflected on the outside. To have a youthful, glowing look, we have to take care of the inside of our bodies too. And that is done by eating right so our bodies get the right nutrients, by exercising right so our muscles would be toned and flexible, and by drinking a lot of water to wash out the waste and toxins from our body. Another thing that you should do is to minimize or even eliminate the consumption of alcohol. You should also quit smoking. Visit the dentist regularly as well to keep your teeth white, strong and healthy.
Whether the fountain of youth is real or not, what matters is that we women should learn to take better care of ourselves. In learning how to take better care of ourselves, we have already found our own fountain of youth.

Easy Effective Tips to Moisturize Your Skin

No matter what your age or skin type, it is vital to protect the skin you have. Avoid overly exposing your skin to the sun, wind, or harsh chemicals like chlorine. Practice a regular skincare routine by cleansing, exfoliating, toning and moisturizing your skin.
Follow these tips to keep your skin as healthy, smooth, and sexy as ever!
  • After a bath or shower, apply moisturizers to lock the moisture into your skin.
  • Alternate between oil-based and water-based moisturizers if you have combination skin.
  • Choose an oil-free, water-based moisturizer for oily skin.
  • Choose a thick, oil-based moisturizer for exceptionally dry skin.
  • Choose a gentle, fragrance-free, and hypoallergenic moisturizer for sensitive skin.
  • Do not apply moisturizers too often because it can result in clogged pores.
  • Focus on other body parts besides your face. Moisturizing is vital on dry elbows, knees, legs, breasts, and other areas that may be prone to flaking and chapping.
  • It�s never too early to start moisturizing your skin and to protect it from the signs of aging.
  • Mature skin may benefit from moisturizing products that contain alpha-hydroxy acid, selenium, or Tropoelastin.
  • Pick a moisturizer that contains a low level of sunscreen, like SPF 15. It keeps your skin soft and smooth while preventing the negative effects of harmful UV rays.
  • Strengthen your skin by choosing moisturizers that contain Vitamin A and Vitamin E.
  • Wear lots of warm clothes, as well as gloves, scarves, and hats in the winter to prevent chapped skin and loss of moisture.
If you experience difficulty in selecting an appropriate moisturizer for your skin, consult your healthcare provider or a beautician for educated suggestions. If you know your skin type, choose a product created especially for you!

Best Foot Forward

So you are going to have a job interview tomorrow. You really want that new job � the salary is great, the benefits package is awesome and it is truly a good career move for you. You think that, with your skills, you have a good shot at landing it.
You know that first impressions last. You have planned your outfit tomorrow, thought about what colors to wear for your make-up, and you have already done up your nails. You even bought a new pair of pantyhose just to make sure that the one you will wear will not have any snags. All you need to do is to get into that outfit and to drive yourself to your interview early enough to arrive at the venue of the job interview five minutes before your appointment.
But are you not forgetting something? What about your shoes? What?! It does not matter because no one will be looking at them? That is where you are wrong, girl. Of course, people will be looking at your shoes. If they do not fit the overall impression you are trying to aim for when you meet your interviewer, then you might end up a goner.
The shoes you wear should complete the look you want to have when you are doing that job interview. The perfect shoes for the corporate look should be dress shoes with closed toes and heels that are three inches or lower. If you can manage flats, then you should go for them. Most of all, your shoes should be clean and should complement your outfit. Wearing scruffy and dirty shoes to a job interview will not help you land the job. In fact, you are more likely to lose this career opportunity by wearing scruffy and dirty shoes; such shoes communicate to the interviewer that you are a sloppy and careless person.
But this does not mean that you cannot show your personal style through your shoes. You can still do so, but you have to bear in mind that the look you choose should be appropriate for the job you are applying for. If you are applying for a position in the banking or finance sector, you should try to be a little more conservative. If you are applying for a job that allows you to be more creative, like in advertising, then wear something that speaks �creative,� like large buckles or animal prints.
Aside from dirty and scruffy shoes, never ever wear these kinds of shoes to a job interview:
    Sneakers. Sure, sneakers are very comfortable and laidback, but they are not formal enough. Job interviews are formal affairs.
    Flip-flops, sandals and open-toed shoes. Again, job interviews are formal affairs, and should thus be treated formally. Flip-flops, sandals and open-toed shoes, even if they look classy enough, still look informal and therefore should not be worn on job interviews.
    Extremely high heels. High heels look nice. They make you look taller and slimmer. But they are not that practical. You would not want to meet an accident and sprain your ankle while you are rushing to get to your job interview on time. Also, you would want your feet to be comfortable while you are talking to your interviewer. Pain caused by extremely high heels will show on your face.
    Embellished shoes. Shoes with too many adornments like crystals or metallic chunks are good for evening wear, not for an office scene. And definitely not for job interviews.
Put your best foot forward at your job interview. And good luck!

Serenity And The Road To Beauty

Beauty is not always about how you look, what you are wearing or how you smell. Despite society�s current emphasis on what looks good, hip or cool, beauty that puts so much stock on the physical and takes into account only these small things is at best superficial.
What definitely counts as true, real beauty is not judged by how the palette you used for your makeup matches your skin coloring, or if the clothes you wear flatter your figure, or if your hairdo is nice and trendy. These are only our feathers; they make us look beautiful, but not entirely so. Physical beauty fades. We can diet all we want, we can stay the aging for as much as we can, but that is a fact of life: like a flower past its bloom that is slowly wilting away, physical beauty passes from its full bloom and slowly fades away.
What counts for true beauty is what you are inside, the peace and serenity that you hold inside your heart. Having peace and serenity inside your heart is not just some newfangled new age thing. It has benefits to both your body and your mind.
Having inner peace and serenity reduces the amount of stress you are experiencing and strengthens your mind and your person into taking more challenges and facing them more solidly and staunchly as they come. We all know the merits of living a stress-free life. If our bodies experience as little stress as possible, it makes us less susceptible to diseases like respiratory infections, digestive problems, and even all sorts of cancer. Stress, after all, weakens our immune system, and it is our immune system that keeps the disease-causing bacteria and microbes in check. Living a stress-free life drives the diseases away.
The more visible benefit of having inner peace and serenity in our hearts and minds is that the quiet we have inside us radiates outward. It makes us warm, it makes our skin glow radiantly, and it makes us smile. More importantly, it makes us look younger.
Another thing about gaining inner peace and serenity is that you do not have to spend money to be able to get it. How much do we spend on new outfits every year? How much do we spend on makeup, skin care and cosmetics? How much does cosmetic surgery cost nowadays? Gaining inner peace and serenity does not cost money, only time.
Unfortunately, our daily lives do not afford us much time for the simple rituals necessary in attaining inner peace and serenity. All of us are always busy rushing from task to task, struggling to fill in our roles as wives, mothers, sisters, daughters, career women, and whatever roles we need to fill in our lives. There are so many things that need to be done and yet so little time to do it.
But the rituals needed to gaining inner peace and serenity are so simple and do not take much time. It can be as simple as taking a walk by yourself at the same time every day, leaving everything behind and focusing on just taking in the sights, the sounds and the smells you encounter as you do your walks. Or it could be as simple as closing your eyes for five minutes each day at the same day, not to take a power nap but to blank your mind out for just a short while, just to give your mind a rest.
Gaining inner beauty and serenity is not a quick fix, but it is not hard to do. All it takes is the commitment to set some time for yourself and to connect your mind to everything that is around you. The benefits are so great, a lot more beneficial than constant dieting or having Botox on your skin. Be beautiful, not just on the outside, but also within.

How to Shop Wisely

Shopping is fun. It is always fun to buy new things, especially if they are bought with cash truly allotted for the purpose of shopping, rather than with a credit card. Shopping for new stuff is rewarding yourself for working so hard and going through all that stress just to get your job well done.

Popular belief has it that shopping is the province of women. Well, I am more than certain that men find shopping enjoyable too, but if they feel the need to peg this activity as a women-only activity (with the exemption of the fabulous metrosexuals out there), then by all means peg away. We do not mind.
But even when we are spending money that is truly ours for the spending, we should still bear in mind that we still need to shop wisely. Not only is wanton shopping a waste of time and money, but every item we buy that we have no need nor use for will only end up as clutter in our closets. Clutter is something we do not exactly want to have in our living space.
Whether one is going out to shop for necessities or purely for the pleasure of it, a wise shopper never goes out to make her purchases without a plan. So, plan ahead and think of the things that you would like to buy. A new pair of shoes perhaps, or a new black dress to replace your staple little black number in your closet. Make a list of what you want to buy, be it a mental list or a written list, and arm yourself with it. It will prevent you from making any outrageous impulse purchases that you will regret later.
If you are going to shop for clothes, buy only those that fit you right now. Sure it is tempting to grab that dress that you like but is actually two or three sizes too small for you, thinking that in six months or so, you would be able to fit in it. Never give in to that temptation. It is more likely that you will never be able to wear that dress at all.
Speaking of clothes, try not to be a fashion victim. Do not follow fashion trends closely - fashion too is fickle, and what is hot right now may not be hot tomorrow. Instead, develop your own signature style, the style that speaks of your personality, the style that you would continue wearing through the years. Having a few key items in your wardrobe that are high in quality, can be mixed and matched easily, and speaks loudly about your style is much, much better than having a closet full of junk that you will only wear once or twice, then never again.
That being said, there are five essential items that you should have in your closet. Have these five items and you will never go wrong, or say that you do not have anything to wear. These five things are:
    1. A good push-up bra. Wearing nice underwear does a lot of great things for your body and boosts your confidence, especially on hot dates.
    2. An all-around top. This top should be something you can wear for whatever day or occasion, especially when you feel stuck in a fashion rut.
    3. A great pair of jeans. A good pair of jeans can be worn anywhere, whether for going to the mall, a walk in the park, a casual date, a party, or even to work. It should be comfortable and it should fit you nicely.
    4. Pumps. Just like with great jeans and the all-around top, a pair of pumps can be worn anywhere, anytime.
    5. The little black dress. Have one of these little black dresses, and you will never go wrong. The little black dress is flexible enough to be worn on any occasion, its degree of formality dependent on the accessories and the shoes you wear with it. The little black dress is especially handy if you do not like thinking too much of what to wear for that particular day.
Remember: shop wisely, and a little goes a long way.

Kiss Me Lips

The most kissable lips look? The same one that's pretty any time: your natural shade with a kick.
Step 1: Prep
Smooth lips with lip balm. Avoid slick products, such as Vaseline or anything else petroleum-based (they will make the lipstick slide off).
Instead, apply a waxy balm, such as Chapstick, and massage into lips with your figertips. Then let it sink in for a few minutes.
Step 2: Pick Your Stick
Grab one that lets lips show through, such as a sheer lipstick or light gloss.
Apply...LIPSTICK straight from the tube. Blend into lips and along your lip line with fingertip.
Apply LIP GLOSS with the wand or a lip brush. Smooth out with your fingertip.
Step 3: Blot
When you are finished applying color, lightly kiss the back of your hand. This will get rid of excess product without cutting down on the sheen. Then, gently smack your lips together to even out the color one last time. Pucker up!
Virtual Kiss - Send a beautiful e-card or a kiss via email with this symbol: :-* 

Beautiful Lips

Some of us have less perfect lips than others. But don't despair! There are plenty of tricks of the trade to help make your lips more balanced and beautiful. Some of the most effective solutions:
* The best lip color fixative? - A thin layer of Chapstick. The formula holds lip color like crazy as it heals and protects.
* Powder lips also gives lip color or gloss something to cling to for longer, smoother wear.
* For longer wear, blot lips after applying lipstick to set color and remove excess. Add a thin layer of loose or pressed powder, then apply color again.
* Turn down too much shine by holding a single-ply tissue to your lips and pressing a little loose powder through it - just enough will sift through the tissue to adhere to color and reduce the shine.
* Turn up the shine with a thin layer of clear lip gloss over lipstick or alone.
* For high-voltage shine and color, try a lip lacquer over lipstick or alone.
* For fuller, poutier lips, spotlight lip gloss right in the center of your mouth.
* Keep matte lip color from drying your lips - use a lip primer or lip color fixative before you apply the matte color.
* For evening special-effects, apply a sheer lip gloss in silver, gold or an iridescent shade over the lip color.
Virtual Kiss - Send a beautiful e-card or a kiss via email with this symbol: :-* 

Your Lips And Lipstick

Quick Tips:
* To stop lipstick from bleeding, use a lipliner, or apply foundation over the lips first.
* If you have big lips, use muted colours such as purples, browns and bronzes.
* If you have small lips, avoid dark colours.
* Professionals prefer to use a brush for lipstick application. Brushes generally allow you to use much less lipstick.
The colors that suit you are:
* Light blondes can use wines, berry's and mauves. They also suit cappuccino colours.
* Golden blondes should use corals, apricots or peachy hues.
* Blondes with olive skin tones are best suited to warm peaches, browns or terracotta's.
* Brunettes suit terracottas, cinnamon's and brown tinted reds.
* Red heads can use warm terracotta colours, cinnamon's and peachy browns.
Virtual Kiss - Send a beautiful e-card or a kiss via email with this symbol: :-*
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